Project Description

Length: 157mins
Director: 吴京、章子怡、徐峥、沈腾
Cast: 吴京、徐峥、沈腾、吴磊、黄轩、韩昊霖、洪烈、袁近辉、章子怡、张天爱、宋佳、马丽
“该片由《乘风》《诗》《鸭先知》《少年行》四个单元组成,以革命、建设、改革开放和新时代为历史坐标, 通过“家与国”的视角描写几代父辈的奋斗经历,讲述了我们的国家迎来从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃的接续奋斗,展现了中国人的血脉相连和精神传承,再现了中国人努力拼搏的时代记忆。《乘风》故事背景发生在1942年五一反“扫荡”期间,聚焦了一支战功卓著的铁骑队伍——冀中骑兵团和抗日英雄马仁兴的骁勇事迹。吴京、吴磊分别饰演骑兵团团长马仁兴及通讯员马乘风。1942年,马乘风从通讯电报中得知,骑兵团因叛徒投敌,陷入了位置暴露的危险当中。为了掩护冀中区机关并且安全转移留在村子里的老幼妇孺,骑兵团以一敌百,在数万敌人的“铁壁合围”中,拼死冲杀、牵制敌人的进攻,在悬殊的火力下硬是以传统的骑兵战术在日军封锁线上撕开一道血的缺口,完成了牵制敌人、掩护冀中区机关和群众突围的任务。《诗》本单元以1969年我国研制长征一号火箭、发射首颗人造卫星为背景,以一个普通航天家庭为切口,描绘了一幅中国航天工作者将青春献给国防科技事业的奋斗群像,展现了父母一辈艰苦奋斗、无私奉献的航天精神,“干惊天动地事,做隐姓埋名人”,以此向中国航天人致敬。章子怡以一个母亲的视角,回望了那段奋斗岁月,揭开了航天工作者背后千万航天家庭的牺牲奉献,展现了那些把青春岁月奉献给了“东方红一号”、奉献给了祖国国防科技事业的无名英雄和他们身后的小家。《鸭先知》本单元立足于“中国大陆第一支电视广告”这一典型事件,以生动直接的方式,再现改革开放春风初至之时,那个万物复苏、竞相迸发的激情年代。徐峥饰演的赵平洋(鸭先知),在儿子“冬冬”韩昊霖及亲朋好友的支持下,不仅让厂里的药酒脱销,还拍出了划时代意义的广告,可谓是用一瓶药酒,开启了中国商品经济的新浪潮。徐峥以“鸭先知”为喻,用“做第一只下水的鸭子”教育孩子勇于尝试,饱含了改革浪潮中上一辈对下一辈创新精神的传递,也向时代洪流中一代代迎难而上、奋勇探索的父母一辈献上了深深的敬意。《少年行》以喜剧的基调,讲述了一个热爱科学的少年小小追求创新梦想的故事,“机器人“邢一浩”肩负特别使命从2050年回到2021年,邂逅了怀揣科学梦想的少年小小,两人意外组成了一对临时父子,“星一浩”假扮小小的爸爸来到麻花实验学校参加亲子活动。在爆笑又不失温情的相处中,机器人老爸潜移默化地坚定了小小对科学梦想的追求,让科技创新在孩子的心里生根发芽,成为小小实现梦想道路上的引路人。
My Country, My Parents consists of four units: Harness the Wind, Poetry, Duck Knows First, and Ode to Youngsters. The film follows the struggle of people from all social classes in different times, who forged ahead without forgetting why they started. Taking family relations as the carrier, it reflects the changes of the times and the inheritance and continuation of the national spirit””Harness the Wind””, originating from Central-Hebei Cavalry Regiment, a legend in the War of Resistance against Japanese Agression, depicts the soldiers and the residents of Central-Hebei region who bravely fought against Japanese aggression together.””Poetry”” focuses on an ordinary family of aerospace personnel behind the successful launch of China’s Dong Fang Hong-1 satellite in 1969. From the perspective of a mother, it looks back on the struggling years, and unveils to the audience the unsung heroes and the ordinary families behind them.””Poetry”” focuses on an ordinary family of aerospace personnel behind the successful launch of China’s Dong Fang Hong-1 satellite in 1969. From the perspective of a mother, it looks back on the struggling years, and unveils to the audience the unsung heroes and the ordinary families behind them.””Ode to Youngsters”” deals with the story of Xiaoxiao, a boy who loves science and pursues his dream of innovation, in a comedy tone, where “”Robot Dad”” acts the most energetic catalyst on the way of pursuing his dream.”