Project Description

Length: 90 mins
Director: 曾靖雄,邹燚
Cast: 沈念慈

虎墩的父母远行多年未归,镖局大掌柜告诉他只要当上镖师父母就会回来,于是原本爱闯祸的虎墩立志要成为一名镖师。误打误撞下,他接到一份不简单的护镖任务,在绝世高手杨镖头的陪同下, 踏上了一段惊心动魄的护镖之路……
During the Ming Dynasty, there was a constant threat of looting so a special industry flourished: The Travelguard Agency. Their job was to protect and transport expensive goods between towns and they were thus seen as a sign of honor and integrity. The Four-Seas was one of the most well-known Travelguard Agencies. Tiger is an orphan who grew up there. He was inspired to be a Travelguard by the legendary Master Yang. Tiger wants to be a “hero” just like Yang, but will the hardship prove to be too challenging for him?