Project Description

26 General’s Lady
Length 45mins*30
Director 吴强
Cast 吴希泽、汤敏、曹峻祥、刘胤君、杨万里、姜灏洋、卢佳、徐薏雯、郁葱
  Shen Jin grew up as the unfavored daughter of a royal family. The emperor decrees an arranged marriage for her, choosing General Chu Xiu Ming, who defends the borders. Although she falls in love with her chosen spouse, she finds it difficult to find her place in her new home. Using unconventional methods, she solves many of the army’s problems, earning their respect and Chu Xiu Ming’s heart. Shen Jin and Chu Xiu Ming hold each other’s hands to spend a lifetime together while defending the peace of the country.