Project Description

Length: 50mins*1
Director: 卜亚琳

1901年,美国哥伦比亚大学校长收到一封捐款信,内附12000美金,用以在哥大建立汉学系。来信的人是一名中国人,叫做“Dean Lung(丁龙)”。这笔钱相当于今天的近百万美金,丁龙的职业却只是一名仆人。他究竟是谁?他为什么会发起捐赠?近年来,中国与美国越来越多研究者关注丁龙,这位神秘人物的面纱也被逐渐揭开。
In 1901, the President of Columbia University received a donation of $12,000 to establish the Chinese Studies Department at Columbia. The letter came from a Chinese man named Dean Lung. At that time, $12,000 was a large sum of money, equivalent to nearly a million dollars today. How did Dean Lung, merely a valet, make so much money?The very person Dean Lung, who made a remarkable contribution to Chinese studies, is nowhere to be found. In recent years, more and more researchers have sought to gather information about Dean Lung, attempting to unveil the mystery of this Chinese man.