Project Description

Length 25M*5
Director 朱宏
““Safe and Sound -The Archives of Epidemics Affecting China” starts with major preventions of China’s public health crises such as hepatitis A, schistosomiasis, plague, influenza, and SARS to draw lessons from the history. Through the interpretation of experts, the passionate narration of personal experience, and the first-hand historical data at home and abroad, the documentary sorts out the 100-year history of the Chinese defense of the epidemics. From “quarantine” to “Patriotic Health Movement”, from the establishment of the “Comprehensive Health” system to the development and promotion of vaccines, and to the construction of temporary hospitals, every response to a major epidemic is the introspection and evolution of China’s public health system. It also reflects the selfless and fearless dedication of medical workers from each generation. Looking back on the grandeur, not forgetting and not fearing, China is safe and sound again, waiting for the spring to come.
《山河无恙——影响中国的疫情档案》以甲肝、血吸虫病、鼠疫、流感、非典等重大公共卫生防疫事件入手,以历史之例,解当下之问。通过权威专家解读、亲历者倾情讲述,结合国内外一手历史资料,梳理百年中国防疫史。从“隔离”到“全民爱国卫生运动” ,从“大卫生” 体系建立到疫苗的研发推广,到临时医院的建立,每一次重大疫情的应对,都是对中国公共卫生系统的自省和进化,也体现了一代代防疫医务工作者无私无畏的奉献精神。回首峥嵘,不忘不畏,山河无恙,共待春归。