Project Description

Length: 96 mins
Director: 沙溢
Cast: 安吉、沙溢
Shen Tong, an unreliable private car driver in his thirties, receives a long-distance order from Beijing to Zhoushan. The passengers are a little bit special, including an 8-year-old boy Nan Nan and a dog called Galileo. Although unwillingly, Shen Tong takes the order for the reward, and so their driving journey begins. They experience various events on the roadtrip, and the relationship between Shen Tong and Nan Nan changes delicately. Shen Tong conjectures that Nan Nan may have some kinds of relationship with him. By the end of their journey, Shen Tong realizes life has made a huge joke on him. The trip along the sea in the hot summer heals two lonely hearts, helping them to start a new journey in their own life.                                                                                                       不靠谱的奔四专车司机沈童接到一个从北京到舟山的长途订单,乘客有点特殊——男男(8岁男孩)和伽利略(狗),看在酬劳的份儿上沈童不情不愿地接下了这个订单,开始了北京前往舟山的驾车旅途。一路上的旅程,经历各种各样的事件,沈童和男男之间的关系发生了微妙的变化,沈童开始猜测他和男男之间也许存在着某种关系。直到旅途到达终点,沈童才明白:生活跟他开了一个巨大的玩笑! 这一路炎炎夏日的海滨旅途,治愈了两颗孤单的心,他们转身开始了各自人生路上新的旅程。