Project Description

Length: 113 mins
Director: 马惠武
Cast: 陈晔、顾靖、刘亚津、谢钢、臧金生、刘伟、吕丽萍、唐夏娃
Over the long span of time, the film vividly depicts the artistic footprints of Luo Yusheng, a great master of Quyi, his rugged life experience, and his extraordinary artistic feelings, responsibility and resplendence, let the audience see the flash and legend in the master’s wonderful life. And re-read the “re-integration of rivers and mountains for Future Generations” that has the era significance of the spiritual love song..                                                          影片在漫长的年代跨度中,以现实与往昔时空转换的影像叙事手段,真切地表现了一代曲艺大师骆玉笙先生的艺术足迹,崎岖的人生经历,超凡脱俗的艺术家情怀,责任与辉煌,让观众看到大师精彩人生中的闪光与传奇。并重温了《重整河山待后生》那首具有时代意义的精神恋歌……