Project Description

Length :06分15秒

纺织作为一门延续了几千年的技艺,在科学技术不断更新的现代社会,渐渐失传。艺术源于自然,源于生活,每一寸的纺织都是细心观察生活的反馈。这部电影通过左翠平讲述西兰卡普起源故事,使人感受人与自然的和谐。 作为西兰卡普的最后一个继承者,如果她的技术不能得以继承,那么这种非物质文化遗产就会失传

As a technique that has lasted for thousands of years, textiles are gradually lost in the modern society where science and technology are constantly updated. Art comes from nature and life. Every inch of textile is the feedback of careful observation of life. This film makes people feel the harmony between man and nature through the narration of Zuo Cuiping, who narrates of the story of the origins of Xilankapu. As the last inheritor of the Xilankapu, if her technique is not learned by next generation the last branch of this intangible cultural heritage will be broken.